
Osaka-Kyoto-Hyogo Kobe Consortium and Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Osaka Headquarters


Planning and operating a global VC invitation program


2024 January

Kansai Startup Mashups - Global VC Invitation Program

The Osaka-Kyoto-Hyogo Kobe Consortium, in collaboration with the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Osaka Headquarters, organizes "Kansai Startup Mashups" to support startups originating from Kansai in their global business endeavors. As part of this initiative, the consortium hosted a program to attract overseas investors, specifically venture capitalists (VCs) and corporate venture capitalists (CVCs), to explore investment opportunities in early-stage deep tech startups based in the Kansai region. Innovation Dojo Japan took the lead in planning and executing this program.

Objective:The primary aim of the program was to foster connections between overseas investors and startups in the Kansai region, ultimately paving the way for long-term investment and collaboration. By facilitating face-to-face meetings, facility visits, and networking opportunities over a five-day itinerary, the program aimed to showcase the potential of Kansai's startup ecosystem and encourage international investment.

Program Details:

  • Duration: January 15th to January 19th, 2024
  • Locations: Various sites across Osaka, Kobe, and Kyoto
  • Participants: Eight overseas VC and CVC firms specializing in deep tech sectors such as healthcare, climate change technology, clean tech, food tech, and materials.
  • Key Activities: The program included visits to deep tech startup facilities, incubators, and economic and cultural institutions in the Kansai region. Additionally, it featured a series of events focusing on global VC market trends, overseas expansion strategies, and the future of Japan's deep tech landscape.

Key Events:

1. Global VC Market in 2024: Insights and discussions on the investment trends shaping the global VC landscape in 2024.

Beyond Japan - Creating the Future on a Global Stage: Keynote speeches on international business expansion and fundraising strategies and pitches from J-Startup Kansai companies.

Deep Tech Next Landscape in Japan: Panel discussions and feedback sessions aimed at strengthening the Kansai startup ecosystem and ensuring its sustainability for the long term.

Program Video:

Through the program, the consortium successfully facilitated relationship-building between participants and promoted the Kansai startup ecosystem to a global audience. By fostering collaborations and showcasing investment opportunities, the initiative aimed to lay the groundwork for future overseas investment in Kansai startups. Furthermore, it served as a catalyst for strengthening collaboration between the Osaka-Kyoto-Hyogo Kobe Consortium and JETRO Osaka Headquarters, with a shared goal of fostering a diverse and inclusive startup ecosystem in Kansai and nurturing the growth of unicorn companies originating from the region.

About "Kansai Startup Mashups"

The three cities Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe are working together to create a new ecosystem for Kansai startups aiming to the global market by doing mashup each cutting-edge technology and originality based on a long history."Kansai Startup Mashups" is the brand message(tagline) that communicates this initiative to the world.


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