What We Offer
How do we support innovators?
How do we support innovators?
We are building the world's most inclusive tech & talent pipeline, supporting startups and entrepreneurs at all stages, with a focus on diversity, equity and inclusion. Our vision is to co-create the best place to start and build startups, through a founder-centric approach.

For Companies
Via our unique partnerships, we have access to a network of over 6,000 bilingual Japanese experts conducting research and academic studies across a broad range of technology areas.
Combining these expertise with the know-how and experience of our team in designing and executing meaningful corporate innovation programs, we are excited about bringing a new style of value to Japanese companies looking for competitive advantages via technology and innovation.

For Governments
Within our core team, we have direct experience as government employees managing the largest startup hub in the Southern Hemisphere. We have designed programs, platforms and partnerships to build and grow thriving startup communities, both in Japan and overseas.

For Universities
We have designed and delivered successful programs for students including incubators, accelerators, startup studios and grant funds for student entrepreneurs, including developing the most successful programs for university startups in Australia resulting in the largest number of startups funded in one university over a ten year period.